Events by this organizer
Event Details
On the 11th of September 2024 the House of the Dutch Provinces (HNP) and the Institute for Transnational and Euregional cross border cooperation and Mobility (ITEM) warmly welcome you to
Event Details
On the 11th of September 2024 the House of the Dutch Provinces (HNP) and the Institute for Transnational and Euregional cross border cooperation and Mobility (ITEM) warmly welcome you to attend this fourth annual round table event. The event takes place from 16h30 until 18h00 and will be live broadcasted via YouTube.
After recent regional and national elections in the Netherlands (March & November 2023), Belgium (June 9 2024) and the European elections (June 6-9 2024), a new political reality has emerged on several levels; the regions, the Netherlands and Belgium, the Benelux and the European Union.
In this fourth online HNP/ITEM round table, we want to discuss and interpret the results of these elections for the position of border regions in the context of the current global and European challenges, the increase in regional disparities and the rise of right-wing parties in recent elections.
Unintended side effects are occurring or may occur at Europe’s internal borders due to a new political climate. The territorial dimension of Impact Assessments is currently still described as weak and border-specific assessment rarely takes place. Border regions are living labs of European integration. Strengthening territorial cohesion and cooperation on Europe’s internal borders is essential to meet the challenges European integration poses.
What is to be expected in the new political reality on a national level and in the European Union? What are regional representatives and other involved stakeholders planning to do in a Europe of regions? Is the European approach to regions and border regions adequate with regard to legislation and regulations?
As it becomes increasingly important to better assess territorial effects in border areas, we will discuss the role of regions in this process. Emphasis will be placed on the need for better regulation that takes into account the position of border regions and Europe’s internal borders through border impact assessment. The importance of targeted European instruments that strengthen cross-border cooperation in a sustainable way is ever increasing. We will reflect on the usefulness and necessity of Coordination Points and the importance of targeted EU instruments that stimulate and strengthen cross-border cooperation in border regions in a sustainable way.
Preliminary programme
Strengthening the perspective of border regions in policy and legislation is key during the round table, consisting of three rounds:
- New political reality in the EU and in the region.
- Future of cross-border cooperation and the available instruments.
- New (cross-border) frontiers in Europe?
The event will be concluded with a journalistic reflection.
The final programme will be announced after the summer break. Please check the ITEM-website & social media for any updates at the end of august.
Registration: ITEM.
(Wednesday) 16:30 - 18:00
Huis van de Nederlandse Provincies & online via Zoom
Rue de Trèves 59, 1040 Bruxelles, Belgien
26sep(sep 26)09:0027(sep 27)16:15ITEM / TEIN ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2024ITEM & TEIN
Event Details
This 2-day Conference (co-organised by the Institute for Transnational and Euregional cross-border cooperation and Mobility (ITEM) and the Transfrontier Euro-Institute Network (TEIN) addresses the practical challenges and prospects of future
Event Details
This 2-day Conference (co-organised by the Institute for Transnational and Euregional cross-border cooperation and Mobility (ITEM) and the Transfrontier Euro-Institute Network (TEIN) addresses the practical challenges and prospects of future cross-border cooperation and mobility and advances debates and policy outlooks around and beyond the concept of horizontal integration.
Registration deadline: 12-9-2024 | 23.59 h
Crossing the border daily is part and parcel of the life world of millions of Europeans. Whether traveling for work, to study, to shop, or for leisure, inhabitants of border regions go regularly back and forth between one country and another. In our cross-border mobility we experience not only the pleasures of the EU’s freedom to travel, but in many ways also still face administrative and cooperative limits, and problematic differences in social security, taxation, health systems, diploma recognition, crime control, cross-border entrepreneurship, studying, sustainability, energy transformation etc. etc.
Since Maastricht 1992 we have come a long way in fostering cooperation and mobility in cross-border regions, but cross-border cooperation and mobility is easier said than done. We haven’t (yet) cleared all technical, legislative, and cultural obstacles for a borderless process of European integration. How can we move forward to the next level of European integration in cross-border regions? Which innovations in cross-border governance mechanisms do we need?
The European integration discourse has long been dominated by the concept of vertical integration, that is to say on the relationship between the EU and its member states. Horizontal integration implies a process between similar public and private authorities across state borders at lower (regional and municipal) administrative level as well as people to people interactions.
Thursday, 26 September 2024
09:00 – 17:00 | Registration |
09:30 – 10:05 | Opening
Welcome remarks by hosts (TEIN, BIG, ITEM) |
10:05 – 10:30 | First keynote address
DG REGIO (to be invited) |
10:30 – 11:30 | Thematic plenary session: The Future of Cohesion in Cross-border Regions
Moderator: Martin Unfried The panel will discuss the future strategy and funding instruments for cohesion policy with a focus on in cross-border regions. In particular, the panel will discuss the future of Interreg programmes with respect to current deficiencies and strengths and the role of other EU funds. Expected panellists:
11:30 – 11:45 | Coffee break |
11:45 – 13:15 | Plenary paper presentation – TEIN Cross-Border Impact Assessment: Facilitating Cross-Border Solutions in the European border regions – the revised ECBM – An instrument for Horizontally integrated Europe?
A new instrument has been proposed to boost cross-border cooperation in Europe and to foster development in border regions: Facilitating Cross-Border Solutions. This panel will present insights from different border regions across Europe and assess what the impact would be. Insights from border regions in the Benelux territory, Germany, Poland, Hungary, Slovenia, France and Austria by ITEM, CESCI, WSB, Euro-Institut, Faculty of Public Administration – University of Ljubljana, Viadrina Center B/ORDERS IN MOTION, Carinthia University of Applied Sciences. |
13:15 – 14:15 | Lunch break |
14:15 – 15:15 | Thematic plenary session: functional cross-border cooperation:
Moderator: Math Noortmann Cross-border cooperation: structural inhibitors and functional enablers In this panel we discuss aspects that facilitate or impede cross-border cooperation. The panellist in this panel address (inter alia) such dogmas and sacred cows as national sovereignty and competitive advantage. But the panel also exhibit sectoral success in the fields of administration, education, entrepreneurship and crime control. |
15:25 – 17:10 | Plenary paper presentation – Attitudes on European Integration in Border Regions in the light of the European Parliament Elections 2024
1. Cross-border regions as laboratories for European integration in the perspective of the European elections 2024: a comparison of the Franco-German and Franco-Belgian borderlands – prof. dr. Bernard Reitel (University of Artois) 2. European narratives at the Franco-German border (Upper Rhine and Greater Region) in the light of European Elections 2024 – prof. dr. Birte Wassenberg (Sciences Po Strasbourg) 3. What future in terms of cooperation for a pioneering cross-border region? A study at the Franco-Walloon border. – prof. dr. Fabienne Leloup (UCLouvain) 4. The cross-border effects in political plans for European Parliament Elections 2024: quo vadis? – Martin Unfried (ITEM) Discussion on future of border regions in light of the Elections. |
17:10 – 17:15 | Closing of the day |
17:30 – 19:30 | Welcome Reception (hosted by Province of Limburg) & speech of Governor Roemer (Governor Province of Limburg & Chair of the Euregio Meuse-Rhine (TBC)) |
Friday, 27 September 2024
09:00 – 13:00 | Registration |
09:30 – 09:45 | Welcome Remarks (UM) |
09:45 – 10:15 | Second keynote address
Prof. dr. Tobias Chilla, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität (contacted, to be confirmed) |
10:30 – 12:00 | Parallel paper session 1A Cross-border regions in national and European policies
1. Towards de-territorialised cross-border cooperation: Exceptional rules for cross-border situations without territorial differentiation criteria – Prof. dr. Michael Frey (HS Kehl) 2. A self-centered approach of EU instruments: Active subsidiarity in cross-border cooperation – dr. Jean-Francois Clouzet (Savoie Mont-Blanc University) & dr. Tamara Espineira-Guirao (Sciences Po Rennes) 3. Evaluation and the Future of Cross-border Cooperation in Hungary – dr. Zsuzsanna Fejes (University of Public Services) 4. Beyond the current toolbox of the Benelux Union: practices, experiences and foresight – dr. Loth van der Auwenmeulen (UHasselt) (TBC) |
Parallel paper session 1B Cross-Border Integration and Cooperation from Lingual and Cultural perspectives
1. Cross-border Cooperation and the Maintenance and Revitalization of Minority Languages – dr. Jordi Cicres (University Pompeu Fabra) 2. Multilinguism in the Euregio Meuse-Rhine – dr. Daan Hovens (ITEM; TBC) 3. Adapting new horizons: Unravelling individual readiness in cross-border collaboration within the Dutch-German Borderland – Max Klöters (Fontys Venlo) 4. Measuring the cross-border integration level through the cross-border cultural powers. The case studies of the Basque, Flemish, and Upper Rhine cross-border regions in the EU – dr. Ahmed Bakry (Kassel University) |
12:00 – 13:00 | Lunch break |
12:30 – 12:50 | Book presentation |
13:00 – 14:15 | Plenary Session Resilient Cross-border Cooperation in times of Crisis
panelists: 1. Cross-border Cooperation & Crisis Management: Results related to Floods and Pandemic – Pim Mertens (ITEM) 2. Managing cross-border projects towards more resilient cooperation in borderlands. The post-pandemic perspective. – Prof. dr. Joanna Kurowska-Pysz (AWSB) 3. Strengthening the Resilience of EU Border Regions – Ruslan Zhechkov (Technopolis) (TBC). 4. Marian Ramakers, Crisis Management from a practitioner’s view |
14:30 – 15:45 | Parallel paper session 2A Cross-border mobility: Labour and Business
1. Pooling Cross-border Human Resources in the Healthcare Sector – Caroline Fischer & Le Anh Long (UTwente) 2. Learning organizations in a cross-border context: What are the leadership challenges of cross-border business development in the Dutch-German borderland? – Oskar J. Bronsgeest & dr. Sofie Moresi (Fontys Venlo) 3. Grasping crises as a whole – About current challenges and perspectives in light of the labour market transformation in the Upper Rhine Region – Margot Bonnafous & Fabienne Schimek (Euro-Institut) |
Parallel paper session 2B Cross-border education
1. Exploring the Value of Cross-Border Business Curricula: A Case Study of the Collaborative Design on the Slovenian-Italian Border for MA Level Program in Intercultural Management – dr. Svetlana Buko (SASS FUDS) & dr. Giustina Selvelli (University of Ljubljana) 2. Towards a European degree for cross-border mobility? – Susanne Sivonen (ITEM) 3. Internationalisation in an euregional context |
15:30 – 16:00 | 3rd (Closing) keynote address
To be announced |
16:00 – 16:30 | Conclusions and closure (ITEM/TEIN) |
More information: ITEM.
26 (Thursday) 09:00 - 27 (Friday) 16:15
Institute for Transnational and Euregional cross border cooperation and Mobility / ITEM
Kapoenstraat 2, 6211 KW Maastricht, the Netherlands
Event Details
Preliminary programme Conference on location, but online participation is possible. 09:30 – 10:00 Registration at Benelux Union
Event Details
Preliminary programme
Conference on location, but online participation is possible.
09:30 – 10:00 | Registration at Benelux Union |
10:00 – 10:15 | Introduction: Prof. dr. Anouk Bollen-Vandenboorn, directeur ITEM & mr. Frans Weekers, Secretary-General Benelux Union |
10:15 – 11:00 | Science and practice |
11:00 – 11:15 | Break |
11.15 – 12.00 | Best Practice for others? Political view on the Treaty and what it means for the German border |
12:00 – 12:25 | Discussion |
12:25 – 12:30 | Closing remarks by prof. dr. Anouk Bollen & mr. Frans Weekers |
12.30 – 13.00 | Network lunch |
The registration form will be available as soon as possible.
More information: ITEM.
(Tuesday) 09:30 - 13:00
Event Details
DETAILS EVENEMENT The Future Pensions Act (WTP) entered into force on 1 July 2023, and further amending legislation (Pension Subject Commitments Act) went into consultation almost a year
Event Details
The Future Pensions Act (WTP) entered into force on 1 July 2023, and further amending legislation (Pension Subject Commitments Act) went into consultation almost a year later. Besides a historic reform of the Dutch supplementary old-age pension, the WTP also includes sweeping changes to the survivor’s pension. In practice, much attention is paid to the old-age pension and the focus on the survivor’s pension lags somewhat behind. This is unjustified because members generally value the survivor coverage as an important part of the pension scheme.
**This event is only available in Dutch
In het webinar worden de belangrijkste wijzigingen ten aanzien van het nabestaandenpensioen toegelicht. Tevens wordt ingegaan op vragen zoals ‘Wat behelst het overgangsrecht nabestaandenpensioen?’, ‘Wat zijn keuzes t.a.v. het nabestaandenpensioen voor sociale partners en het individu?’ en ‘Kan het wezenpensioen vrijwillig worden voortgezet?’ Ook wordt besproken of we ten aanzien van het nabestaandenpensioen iets kunnen leren van andere landen of dat het dermate cultureel/maatschappelijk bepaald is dat het niet zinvol is om over de landsgrenzen heen te kijken?
Naast deze juridische analyse zal het perspectief tijdens het webinar ook worden verbreed met ervaringen uit de praktijk. Wat is het marktbeeld ten aanzien van het nabestaandenpensioen nieuwe stijl? Wat is het gemiddelde niveau van de dekkingspercentages voor nabestaandenpensioen en wezenpensioen? Hoe kunnen schrijnende gevallen onder het nieuwe systeem worden voorkomen? Welke rol spelen keuzebegeleiding en communicatie hierin?
Slechts een indruk van de vragen die ertoe strekken te verkennen wat de hervorming van nabestaandenpensioen onder de WTP potentieel kan betekenen voor het Nederlandse pensioenlandschap.
De sessie start om 10.00 uur en de bijeenkomst duurt circa 100 minuten. De voertaal is Nederlands. Uiteraard bestaat voldoende gelegenheid tot het stellen van vragen en het uitwisselen van inzichten. Na aanmelding via onderstaande link ontvangt u voorafgaand aan de sessie de Microsoft Teams-link. Na afloop van het webinar sturen wij u de slides toe.
Woensdag 16 oktober 2024 | 10.00 – 11.40 uur | Online
Onderwerpen en sprekers:
- ‘Nabestaandenpensioen in het licht van de WTP’
Helga van Bijnen (Fiscalist Expertisecentrum Schenk- en Erfbelasting Belastingdienst) - ‘Nabestaandenpensioen in de praktijk’
Ramona van Wijk (Pensioenconsultant Montae & partners en Projectleider WTP-centrum Montae & Partners)
Gelieve u vóór 9 oktober 2024 aan te melden via onderstaande link. De kosten zijn € 75,- per persoon. U kunt bij de aanmelding kiezen voor PE: SPOP/CPL, AG, NOB d.m.v. bewijs van deelname.
Meer informatie: ITEM.
Aanmelden: ITEM.
All Day (Wednesday)
Event Details
North Western Europe has traditionally been at the forefront of innovation, industrialisation and making European society more sustainable. That Europe is as strong as its weakest link is also
Event Details
North Western Europe has traditionally been at the forefront of innovation, industrialisation and making European society more sustainable. That Europe is as strong as its weakest link is also a given. Europe requires strengthening good cooperation between member states with cooperation and support from national, regional administrators and stakeholders, where Europe’s internal borders are not perceived as obstacles but as opportunities. Current European and national elections show that although European citizens aspire to a sustainable and liveable society, the preconditions for this are certainly not yet sufficiently in place.
Cross-border objectives on sustainability and industry, economy, infrastructure and mobility also means active commitment to cross-border cooperation between member states. In the first half of this year, the Belgian Presidency of the European Council included strengthening Europe’s competitiveness as one of its priorities. Supported by the outcome of the elections, the movement from a Green Deal to Industrial Deal has begun. In order to achieve a good investment climate with consistent laws and regulations and fair tariffs in a level playing field in the areas of sustainability, economic development and liveability, cross-border cooperation between different layers of government was mentioned as a prerequisite. Well-functioning European sustainable transport corridors are the essential required network in this respect. Within corridors are sub-regions that occupy key positions and act across borders. From the Benelux, the Dutch-Flemish cooperation initiating a linking mechanism, ITEM presents in this 10e edition of the annual conference the usefulness of the European border effects test and cohesion policy for border regions, the importance of European direction on cross-border cooperation and the effect of European industrial policy on border regions.
The experiences of 10 years of ITEM underline that cross-border cooperation on European societal challenges is crucial. Experience also shows that a structural, synergetic and long-term approach is necessary for effective results. In short, a broad integral vision of the future is needed with a place for short-term results as well. This requires a joint approach in which the various layers of government, knowledge institutions as well as stakeholders from the business community each have to contribute from their own responsibility.
The following ‘ ITEM Border impact cases will be covered in the programme:
- Opportunity analysis: European border impact assessment and cohesion policy for border regions
- Border Impact File: Facilitating Cross-border Solutions – proposed EU regulation
- Border Impact File: The impact of recent EU industrial policy legislation on border regions
Governor Carina van Cauter and the province of East Flanders are hosting the ITEM Annual Conference 2024 from the province of East Flanders. It will take place at the Provincial House in Ghent (Leopoldskazerne). The ITEM Annual Conference is co-sponsored by the Chancellery and Foreign Affairs Department (DKBUZA) of the Flemish government and the province of East Flanders.
We hope to see you in person in Ghent on 22 November.
Register now via this link. You will receive the invitation with the full programme after the summer break.
More Infos: ITEM.
(Friday) 09:00 - 15:00
Provinciehuis Oost-Vlaanderen
Charles de Kerchovelaan 189, 9000 Gent